Aesculus 'Autumn Splendor'

Round or oval crown
Park tree and/or specimen tree
Endures pavement
Ornamental value
Valuable for bees
Ornamental value
Flower, Autumn colour
Autumn colour

Originated from a hybrid of Aesculus glabra x (Aesculus flava x Aesculus pavia). Forms a 15 m high, dense oval to round crown. The glossy green leaves of Aesculus 'Autumn Splendor' are 15-20 cm long. Has magnificent orange-red autumn colouring. Yellow-green flowers in cylindrical umbels in May, later chestnuts in a faintly spiked husk. Has a grey-brown trunk that forms grooves as it matures. Grows in sun and partial shade on well-drained soil. Also grows in pavement, hardy. Rust-free.