Fagus sylvatica

Big wide crowns
Meerstammigen / solitairen
Broad lanes and streets
For use in landscapes
Park tree and/or specimen tree
Shadow enduring
Low maintenance
Ornamental value
25m - 30m
Autumn colour


Fagus sylvatica is a wide, tall tree with a height of 25-30 m. The typical, dense and low-branched habit is a majestic sight in summer and winter. The Common beech requires calcareous, preferably damp but still well-drained, rich, loamy soil, in which the root system can develop well. Heavy clay, poor, dry and sandy soils and damp peaty soils with a high groundwater level are unsuitable for planting beech. Major permanent changes to the groundwater level, or sudden changes to the soil conditions, often cause older beech to die quickly. The capacity to endure shade is strong in the first 30 years of its life. However, once established, beech prefer lots of light. The beech tree itself produces a deep shade. The bark is smooth, greyish and rather thin. Sudden exposure to full sunlight, e.g. as a result of pruning or by the removal of adjacent beech from an avenue planting, may cause sun scorching of the bark. The cracks in the bark are easily susceptible to a Coral spot infection, which may cause sudden death. For that reason, it is recommended to plant young trees in full leaf and close together. .

Besides being a valuable forest tree and a beautiful park tree – in the latter case preferably in groups – the Fagus sylvatica is a valuable avenue tree on wide verges and green banks under perfect soil conditions.