Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens'

Round or oval crown
Broad lanes and streets
Park tree and/or specimen tree
Shadow enduring
Low maintenance
Endures pavement
Ornamental value
Valuable for bees
Verdraagt droge periodes
6m - 8m
Ornamental value
Leaf, Fruits, Shape
Flowering period



Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' - Nellie Robinson Stevens (1866-1942), a headteacher in Oxford, Maryland, USA collected seeds from open-pollinated Ilex cornuta in the US National Arboretum in Washington in 1900. She planted these seeds in her own garden. After she passed away, nurseryman Gustav van Lennep bought her estate and noticed the plants and introduced them.

This female holly is fast-growing. Lends itself very well to the cultivation of small standard trees. Forms an evergreen, wide pyramidal crown. Shiny green leaves that are slightly serrated. White flowers in May-June, followed by an abundance of small, orange berries. Requires humus-rich, slightly calcareous soils. Does not tolerate wet soils. Very hardy and with a high drought resistance. Grows in sun, partial shade and shade.