Prunus x yedoensis

Big wide crowns
Broad lanes and streets
Park tree and/or specimen tree
Endures pavement
Ornamental value
Valuable for bees
Verdraagt droge periodes
10m - 15m
Ornamental value
Flower, Autumn colour
Flowering period

April, pink to white

Autumn colour


Prunus x yedoensis, Yoshino cherry. Rather tall tree with a height of 10-15 m and rising branches of which the ends are slightly overhanging. As a result, it has a wide, flat crown. The fresh leaf is yellowish-green. Blossoms very abundantly in April with initially pink and later white, fragrant and single flowers, 3 cm in size. Dark red to almost black fruits. Yellow autumn colouring. Beautiful park tree, also for green verges in wide avenues.

Projects with this tree: