Quercus bimundorum 'Crimson Spire'

Narrow crowns
Narrow lanes and streets
Park tree and/or specimen tree
Low maintenance
Endures pavement
Ornamental value
12m - 14m
3m - 4m
Ornamental value
Autumn colour, Shape
Autumn colour
purplish red to copper
De-icing salt, Wind
Soil type
All grounds

Quercus bimundorum 'Crimson Spire' (syn. 'Crimschmidt') - Bi Mundo, the best of two worlds: crossbreed of the European Quercus robur and American Quercus alba. Builds a narrow and upright crown. Height 12-14 m and width 3-4 m. The leaves are alternate and have 2 to 5 pair round lobes, they are 9-15 cm long and 5-9 cm wide. Foliage is dark green, in autumn changing in colour from top (purplish red) to bottom (copper). Non-susceptible to mildew.

Because of its narrow habit, Quercus bimundorum 'Crimson Spire' is the perfect tree for small gardens and streets.

Projects with this tree: