Quercus texana 'New Madrid'

Round or oval crown
Broad lanes and streets
Park tree and/or specimen tree
Industrial areas
Low maintenance
Ornamental value
Verdraagt droge periodes
Verdraagt natte periodes
25m - 20m
18m - 20m
Ornamental value
Leaf, Autumn colour, Shape
Autumn colour


Air pollution, Drought

Quercus texana 'New Madrid' - Cultivated trees originate from a specimen tree from the city New Madrid, Missouri, USA. Height up to 25 m, 20 m wide. Very hardy. Leaves are 15 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, elliptical shaped, shiny on top and bottom, slightly hairy where the veins split. 5-7 lobes ending in a pointy tip. Shiny petioles, 2-5 cm long. Leaves emerge dark burgundy. Grey-brown stem with fine fissures. Male catkins in April, very small female flowers. The acorns, 3 cm in size, ripen on the tree for 1 year. In the USA, a very important food source for rodents, dears, turkeys and ducks. Grows on heavy, wet soil types. Very beautiful red autumn colour. Closely related to Quercus palustris.