Juglans regia

Big wide crowns
For use in landscapes
Park tree and/or specimen tree
Coastal areas
Endures pavement
Ornamental value
20m - 25m
Ornamental value
Fruits, Shape

Juglans regia, cultivated in almost all Central and Western Europe since Roman times. Tall tree with a height up to 25 m with a wide and low crown. Non-protruding trunk. More or less round, irregular crown. Leaf odd-pinnate, 25 cm long, brownish-green when budding. Produces the well-known edible walnuts. Requires calcareous, damp, open, loamy or clayish soil that allows a good development of the root system. (Trans)plant in early autumn or late spring. Prune when the leaf starts to emerge. In the walnut-producing area of France, the ‘Maynette’, ‘Parisienne’ and ‘Franquette’ selections are cultivated. Park tree, but particularly ideal for courtyards,embankments, estates, etc. Because of its strong odour, the nut is often used to keep mosquitoes and other insects at a distance. Often used for roadside planting in the hilly countryside in Central Europe.