Malus toringo 'Brouwers Beauty'

Big wide crowns
Meerstammigen / solitairen
Broad lanes and streets
Park tree and/or specimen tree
Endures pavement
Ornamental value
Valuable for bees
5m - 6m
4m - 6m
Ornamental value
Flower, Fruits
Flowering period

April/ May

Autumn colour


Malus toringo ‘Brouwers Beauty’ is a magnificent crabapple, which flourishes in spring and bears small orange/ yellow berries in autumn. Truly abundantly filled. Malus toringo originates from Japan and has an exceptional leaf shape for a Malus, namely incised. The leaves of ‘Brouwers Beauty’ start out oval to egg-shaped and develop into a sharply serrated shape as summer progresses. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow/ orange.

The flowers are singular, light pink to white, and appear in April/ May. The bloom is abundant, and that also goes for the berries. These are orange/ yellow, 8-10 mm, and stay on the tree until at least October. ‘Brouwers Beauty’ has a strong leader with a wide-spread crown and overhanging branches. This makes for a loose and open appearance. It does need a little room because of this, but it is definitely suitable for planting in wide streets. The tree reaches a height of 5 to 6 m.

Malus toringo ‘Brouwers Beauty’ prefers a sheltered location and grows best in fertile, humus-rich, permeable soil. It is slightly susceptible to scabies.

Malus toringo ‘Brouwers Beauty’ is a rich supplement for public green spaces, with both flowers in the spring and berries in autumn!

Projects with this tree: