Quercus robur

Big wide crowns
Broad lanes and streets
Park tree and/or specimen tree
Coastal areas
Shadow enduring
Verdraagt droge periodes
Verdraagt natte periodes
25m - 30m
Ornamental value
Autumn colour

geel bruin

Quercus robur - Common oak, European oak, English oak. Originally indigenous to large parts of Europe, including the Netherlands. Wellknown oak with a height of 25-30 m. Wide, heavy crown with crooked branches. Bark has deep grooves when matured. Leaf is variable in size and shape, irregularly pinnate. Often shoots auburn to bronze green. Leaf sitting to almost stalkless. Acorns in groups of 2-3 with stalks. Deeply rooting species for heavier nutritious and damp, loamy soils and marshlands. Endures some shade. When planted in stream and river valleys, temporary flooding with running muddy water is beneficial to the tree. High-class forest, avenue and park tree. Under perfect soil conditions, it can also grow in paved surfaces.

Projects with this tree: